Rules of the Game

Simple rules of the game

There are 4 game rooms: red green blue purple. The rooms differ in the amount of prize money for the round and, accordingly, in terms of the number of game tickets that users need to buy for the prize to be drawn.

Buying game tickets, as well as payments of winnings to users are made in the cryptocurrency Ether (ETH).

No registration is required to participate in the game. All users are anonymous players! To participate in a round of any of the rooms, you need to buy at least 1 ticket, the cost of which is only 0.011 ETH ≊ 32.92 EUR .

Users can buy an unlimited number of tickets in each round, thus increasing the probability of winning!

For example: The cost of 1 ticket 0.011 ETH ≊ 32.92 EUR . You transfer 0.055 ETH ≊ 164.62 EUR and thus buy 5 tickets!

When the user attempts to transfer the amount less than the ticket price, such a transaction will be canceled, no commission will be charged, and the full amount will remain in the user’s wallet. When the user transfers the amount higher than the cost of the ticket, but not a multiple of it, the user will then receive the number of tickets for which there was enough money, but not more than the number of tickets available for sale. The balance of funds (change) is then automatically returned to the user right away. When the user attempts to buy a ticket in a finished round, there are two options, which will depend on whether it is possible to draw at that moment. If there is a possibility to make a drawing, then the winner is determined in the current round. Then a new round starts and tickets will be purchased for a new round; If it’s impossible to make a drawing, then no transaction is made, no commission will be charged, and the full funds amount will remain in the user’s wallet.

In each room, the round finishes as soon as the last ticket is bought. Then, according to the algorithm, the system waits for the next block, which is required for the drawing, to appear in the blockchain. The system checks the existence of this block every minute. If the block appears, then a drawing is made: the winner is determined, the prize is paid and a new round begins.

To participate in the game, you must purchase at least one ticket to any of the rooms. The cost of a ticket for each room is the same.
0.011 ETH ≊ 32.92 EUR
What's this?
The games are played in 4 rooms. The rooms vary in the number of tickets that users need to buy before the game can be played and, accordingly, the amount of prize.
Rules of the Game
A participant in the game is any user who has purchased at least one ticket. A participant can purchase an unlimited number of tickets and participate in all rooms concurrently.
History of all games
Once the last ticket in a round is purchased from any of the rooms, the winner will be determined automatically. The winner will receive their prize instantly.
Any more questions?
We will be happy to answer any questions you might have as soon as possible!
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Fast (<1m): 53 Gwei
Fast (<1m): 53 Gwei
Standard (<2m): 14 Gwei
Safe low (<2m): 14 Gwei
Fast (<1m): 53 Gwei
Fast (<1m): 53 Gwei
Standard (<2m): 14 Gwei
Safe low (<2m): 14 Gwei